Valid AID+ project

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Valid AID+  “Validating competences gained at the workplace in case of low qualified people”

This project aims at developing methods and tools for identifying and validating  competences in the workplace and opening gateways to education and training to make it easier for low qualified individuals to develop their competences, and by that secure their position on the labour market.
The project consortium includes six organisations from five countries – Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Spain.
The three chosen sectors are trade, hospitality and administration.
Targer Group & Beneficiares
The target groups of the project are:
  • Low-qualified employees, who have not completed upper secondary education.
  • Employers
  • VET centres, career guidance centres, etc.
  • Stakeholders from the 3 chosen sectors: trade, hospitality and administration
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.